Unused Fireplace? 3 Tips to Make It Appealing Featured Image

As the lucky owner of a cozy fireplace, you know firsthand that it's the heart of your home. Whether it's crackling with flames or not, all eyes are on the mantel. But why let it go unnoticed when it's not in use? With just a little bit of effort, you can transform your unused fireplace into a stunning focal point that will leave your guests in awe.

Create a Sylvan Scene

Creating a sylvan scene in and around an unused fireplace will introduce a certain enchanted quality of the surrounding environment. This type of setup not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the room, but it offers certain therapeutic elements to help you with relaxation and rejuvenation.

It's important to ensure the area will be able to get a little sunlight at some point…

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The Top 5 Elementary Schools in Edmonton Featured Image

When it comes to your child's schooling, you want to make sure that they're receiving an education that best suits them. After all, you want their time to be used efficiently, so that they're truly learning and taking in all that's being taught. That's why it's best if they attend a top-of-the-line school. Here are a few of the best elementary schools in Edmonton:

1. Mount Pleasant School

Out of all the schools in the Edmonton area, Mount Pleasant has constantly been ranked as the number 1 school for academic performance. A lot of that is thanks to the fact that this school offers their students an alternative program that goes by the name of Cogito. This Cogito program works at taking those students who are excelling in academics to be put into…

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Tips & Tricks: Decorating Your Family Room on a Budget Featured Image

Looking to transform your family room without straining your budget? Don't reach for your credit cards or deplete your savings just yet. Discover some exciting and wallet-friendly ideas to revamp your space without breaking the bank.

Become an Upholstery Expert

Do you have an old couch that is still in good condition but has some stains and flaws in the upholstery? Replacing that couch can cost hundreds or thousands, and hiring an upholster to change the fabric can cost quite a bit too. There are a number of websites and video tutorials that teach you the basics of upholstery and lets you restore those pieces on your own, which can help you save a lot of money.

Create a Focal Point

An easy way to renovate your family room is with a new…

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