Tips and tricks for homeowners


Back to School: It's Almost That Time! Featured Image

Back to school time is always a little tricky to maneuver as giving up the freedom of summer for school days is not all that enticing. But with a little psychology and preparation, kids can get to where they actually look forward to this transition!

Understanding Rhythms

First of all, our bodies, like the seasons, are changing. The need for warmer clothing and the sight of autumn colours is almost like a trigger that tells us, "back to school." So why not celebrate the changing seasons as a way of helping your child get ready for school? 

Start getting your children to bed earlier and earlier until they reach their school day bedtime. See if they don't wake up on their own at about the time they need to for school. If alarm clocks can be…

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Tips and Tricks: Decorating Your Master Bedroom on a Budget Featured Image

If you're anything like the average Canadian consumer, your master bedroom is undoubtedly your personal sanctuary. A blissful retreat where you can escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Luckily, we've got you covered with a range of creative ideas and money-saving tips to transform your master bedroom into a stylish oasis that suits your unique taste.

So, why wait? Dive into our budget-friendly decorating guide below and let your imagination run wild!

Go Bold with Wall Decals

Maybe you aren't quite ready to paint your walls your favourite royal purple, and maybe that wallpaper you like is just a little too loud for your quiet space. If you find yourself in these situations, then you might choose to play things up with some…

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Unused Fireplace? 3 Tips to Make It Appealing Featured Image

As the lucky owner of a cozy fireplace, you know firsthand that it's the heart of your home. Whether it's crackling with flames or not, all eyes are on the mantel. But why let it go unnoticed when it's not in use? With just a little bit of effort, you can transform your unused fireplace into a stunning focal point that will leave your guests in awe.

Create a Sylvan Scene

Creating a sylvan scene in and around an unused fireplace will introduce a certain enchanted quality of the surrounding environment. This type of setup not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the room, but it offers certain therapeutic elements to help you with relaxation and rejuvenation.

It's important to ensure the area will be able to get a little sunlight at some point…

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Tips & Tricks: Decorating Your Family Room on a Budget Featured Image

Looking to transform your family room without straining your budget? Don't reach for your credit cards or deplete your savings just yet. Discover some exciting and wallet-friendly ideas to revamp your space without breaking the bank.

Become an Upholstery Expert

Do you have an old couch that is still in good condition but has some stains and flaws in the upholstery? Replacing that couch can cost hundreds or thousands, and hiring an upholster to change the fabric can cost quite a bit too. There are a number of websites and video tutorials that teach you the basics of upholstery and lets you restore those pieces on your own, which can help you save a lot of money.

Create a Focal Point

An easy way to renovate your family room is with a new…

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Ideas for How to Have a Good Garage Sale Featured Image

 As the old saying goes, "one person's trash is another person's treasure", and this isn't more true than at a garage sale. When it comes time to move to your new home, it's also time to get rid of your unwanted junk. Take advantage of cleaning out your basement or attic and eliminating a lot of clutter in your life, while at the same time making a little money for a night out. But before taking the first step to organizing your "junk" to sell be aware of how Edmonton regulates garage sales. 

  • The garage sale is not being hosted by a corporation or other business organization
  • The garage sale will not exceed three (3) consecutive days
  • No more than three (3) garage sales are hosted at the same municipal address within the same calendar…

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Making the Most of Wall Storage Options Featured Image

If you are looking for a new home in Edmonton, don't count out wall storage as a way to save space. The housing market can be brutal at the best of times, and taking full advantage of wall storage is a good way to save money and closet space while adding a new design element to your home. Read on to learn all about some ways to capitalize on wall space.

Think Tall

For whatever reason, humans are just not geared for looking up. It's always funny to see someone standing in the middle of a cluttered room and looking around for more space in frustration, when the walls are completely bare. Try to think of creative places to add shelving to a room - anywhere along a wall that doesn't have a door swinging into it can become storage space.


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20 Tips to Keep Kids Happy This Summer Featured Image

Summer can seem like a really long time to the youngest members of your family. If you’ve recently moved into an new area, your children might need a little more guidance on what to do during their two months out of school. Here are 20 fun and exciting activities to do with your children this summer.

Outdoor Fun

  1. Allow your children to invent their own game. You will want to gather up different kinds of balls, bats and nets. Once in the yard, start playing and encourage your children to makeup their own rules.
  2. A neighbourhood scavenger hunt is a great way for kids to explore their local area. Come up with a short list of items to find and clues to locate them. 
  3. A bike ride is a great way to explore new neighbourhoods and learn more about…

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The Etiquette of Moving Featured Image

So you've done all of your prep and are ready for moving day. There are some things that you should keep in mind in order to make a great first impression on your new neighbours. If you don’t understand the etiquette of moving, read the following article so that you will know how to behave before and during your move.

Before the Move

Before you ever move the first box into your new house, you will want to call ahead in order to make sure that you are moving on the best day. Be sure that there is no competing construction going on in the neighbourhood.

When you book the movers, try to book during the workday, between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. This is the period in which most people are away from home and will not be disturbed by all of the noise…

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Tips & Tricks: Decorating Your Kitchen on a Budget Featured Image

There are a multitude of methods to decorate or update an existing kitchen that don't require an exorbitant amount of time or money. Start with a generalized plan. Is the overall style outdated? Does the space need brightening? Perhaps you need more storage space. Consider the key elements that you want to change and design a plan around particular objectives.

Painted Facelift

Paint and a free weekend go a long way toward transforming a kitchen. Consider the look of your current cabinets. White cupboards, windows and other wood trim, combined with a pastel palette on the walls, and a darkened room becomes a resplendent, sunny atmosphere. Conversely, if desiring a more sophisticated and expensive appearance, think about painting cabinets a rich,…

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Home Organization Tips: Getting Rid of the Clutter Featured Image

These days it seems the house is always full of clutter. The daily schedule of work, family and all the things that go along with leave cleaning by the wayside. You can find time to run the vacuum around and load the dishwasher but it feels like you can't set aside a good chunk of time to get to all the clutter hanging around the house. But there is hope! By following a few simple tips you can get it under control.

Start with a Major Clean-up

Three bins: Keep, Donate and Toss. Everything gets put into one of those bins. If it's in good shape but you don't use it, put it in the donation bin. And by don't use it, we mean within least the last 6 months. We're not just talking about clothes. Keep and Toss are pretty explanatory, we think.


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