House under magnifying glass imageSo you’re getting ready to sell your home, but you want to make sure you do it right. One of the first things you should do is get a home evaluation done. This is different from a home inspection.

Most reputable Realtors will have a place right on their site where you can request a home evaluation from the comfort of your living room. A team member will contact you to set up the appointment so they can come out and take a look at your home. You can call the office directly too!

It looks like a lot of information to fill out, but there’s a purpose. The real estate agent you speak with will use that information to search online to see the comparables in your particular neighbourhood, both solds and actives. The agent then brings that info with them to the appointment to illustrate where your house should be priced at but also taking into consideration any upgrades you may have done to your home that other homes may not have.

Sometimes a professional CMA (Comparative Market Analysis) letter is written about the property for things such as divorce sales. Typically though, all that is needed is just a cover letter with the comparable properties.

Your home evaluation will show you a variety of properties and the details on those homes, and how they compare to your house. Whenever possible, pictures will be included to give you a better idea of what’s happening in the market in your neighbourhood. You’ll also get information on homes that are over priced and how long they’ve been on the market. Along with that you’ll find out how well the sold homes performed - market time and what the homes sold for.

Pricing your home properly to what the market can bear, is key to the sale. The Terry Paranych Real Estate Group has one goal: to sell your home for the best price in the least amount of time. A home evaluation is the first step to making that happen.

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Posted by Terry Paranych on


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